Thursday, November 30, 2017
Spinning Zone Bumper Cars…/
Bumper cars are classic amusement park rides, entertaining kids and adults alike. Beston offers various fairground bumper cars, suitable for amusement and theme parks, carnivals, funfairs, fairgrounds. They are great money makers for you.
Beston amusement park train rides for sale cheap
Beston group makes various of attractive amusement train rides for customers all over the world. Christmas is coming soon. We offer Christmas train rides for kids and families, so they enjoy the rides and celebrate the happy time. Our train rides are made of high quality fiberglass and steels, and they can be customized to meet your needs. They are great additions for you to make extra money.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Where Should You Sit to Have the Best Experience on a Roller Coaster ?
In its initial climb up the lift hill, a roller-coaster train builds up a reservoir of potential energy due to the downward pull of gravity. For the rest of the ride, the hills, valleys and loops convert this supply from potential energy to kinetic energy and back again, causing the train to accelerate and decelerate.
This acceleration, along with the up-and-down movement of the train, produces a strange sensation in your body -- you are constantly being pushed in different directions (click here to find out why). This sensation feels just like the pull of gravity, and the two forces -- gravity and acceleration -- combine in interesting ways. When the force caused by acceleration and the force caused by gravity are in opposite directions, they cancel each other out to a certain degree, making you feel very light. When both are in the same direction, you feel very heavy. Rapidly switching between these two conditions is what makes roller coasters such an exhilarating experience.
Then what makes one coaster car different from another? All of the cars travel over the same tracks, so gravity accelerates and decelerates them at roughly the same points. But in addition to feeling the force of gravity, each car is also pulled or pushed by the cars connected to it. It is this additional force that makes the experience a little bit different for the riders in each car.
To understand how this works, imagine a coaster train reaching the top of a hill. As it ascends, it slows down because gravity is pulling on it from behind. But when the first car makes it over the apex, gravity starts pulling that car down the other side of the hill. Because of gravity's pull, the first car starts to accelerate, which accelerates the second car, which accelerates the third car and so on. In this way, all of the rear cars are accelerated by the motion of the first car, so they all start accelerating at different points along the track. By the time the last car moves over the hump, gravity has already accelerated the first car a good bit. Consequently, the rear car will have a higher acceleration at the top of the hill than the first car did. This increased force essentially whips the car over the top, briefly pushing up on the riders so that they almost fly out of their seats.
For many people, this is the best spot on a roller coaster throughout the ride because all the twists and turns are more pronounced. But in most coasters, you can't see the track very well from the rear car: Your line of sight is blocked by the people in front of you. The visual component of the roller-coaster ride is important because it gives you a sense of speed and peril -- coaster designers intentionally weave the track around all sorts of obstacles to make you feel like the ride is out of control. In a typical coaster design, the riders in the front car get an unobstructed view of all these obstacles whipping past them. In a coaster that has seats facing backward, the rear car offers the best of both worlds -- you get a great view and the most intense ride.
The best seat on a coaster, then, is a matter of personal taste. If you love the feeling of weightlessness, head for the back. If you want the best view of the action, head for the front. The cars in the middle provide the weakest ride, but it's a good bet you'll still have a good time. There isn't really a bad place to sit on a roller coaster, as long as you're strapped into a seat.
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This acceleration, along with the up-and-down movement of the train, produces a strange sensation in your body -- you are constantly being pushed in different directions (click here to find out why). This sensation feels just like the pull of gravity, and the two forces -- gravity and acceleration -- combine in interesting ways. When the force caused by acceleration and the force caused by gravity are in opposite directions, they cancel each other out to a certain degree, making you feel very light. When both are in the same direction, you feel very heavy. Rapidly switching between these two conditions is what makes roller coasters such an exhilarating experience.

Then what makes one coaster car different from another? All of the cars travel over the same tracks, so gravity accelerates and decelerates them at roughly the same points. But in addition to feeling the force of gravity, each car is also pulled or pushed by the cars connected to it. It is this additional force that makes the experience a little bit different for the riders in each car.
To understand how this works, imagine a coaster train reaching the top of a hill. As it ascends, it slows down because gravity is pulling on it from behind. But when the first car makes it over the apex, gravity starts pulling that car down the other side of the hill. Because of gravity's pull, the first car starts to accelerate, which accelerates the second car, which accelerates the third car and so on. In this way, all of the rear cars are accelerated by the motion of the first car, so they all start accelerating at different points along the track. By the time the last car moves over the hump, gravity has already accelerated the first car a good bit. Consequently, the rear car will have a higher acceleration at the top of the hill than the first car did. This increased force essentially whips the car over the top, briefly pushing up on the riders so that they almost fly out of their seats.
For many people, this is the best spot on a roller coaster throughout the ride because all the twists and turns are more pronounced. But in most coasters, you can't see the track very well from the rear car: Your line of sight is blocked by the people in front of you. The visual component of the roller-coaster ride is important because it gives you a sense of speed and peril -- coaster designers intentionally weave the track around all sorts of obstacles to make you feel like the ride is out of control. In a typical coaster design, the riders in the front car get an unobstructed view of all these obstacles whipping past them. In a coaster that has seats facing backward, the rear car offers the best of both worlds -- you get a great view and the most intense ride.
The best seat on a coaster, then, is a matter of personal taste. If you love the feeling of weightlessness, head for the back. If you want the best view of the action, head for the front. The cars in the middle provide the weakest ride, but it's a good bet you'll still have a good time. There isn't really a bad place to sit on a roller coaster, as long as you're strapped into a seat.
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The General Information of Carousel Rides
How Carousel Operate?
The carousel revolves around a stationary center pole made of metal or wood. An electric motor drives a small pulley that is controlled by a clutch for smooth starts. This pulley turns a drive belt and a larger pulley that turns a small-diameter, horizontal shaft. The end of the shaft is a pinion gear that turns a platform gear. The platform gear supports a vertical shaft that turns another pinion gear and final drive gear attached to the support beams of the carousel, called sweeps, which extend outward from the center pole like the ribs of an umbrella and support the platform, horses, and riders. The sweeps hold cranking rods that are turned by small gears at the inner ends that are driven by a stationary gear on the center pole. Horse hangers are suspended from the cranks, and as they turn, the horses move up and down about 30 times per minute. A typical carousel platform with horses and riders may weigh 10 tons and be driven by a 10-horsepower electric motor. After the motor's revolutions are reduced by the series of gears, the riders on the outer row of mounts will gallop along at about 5-11 miles per hour.
Carousels, with colorful figures attached to a revolving horizontal mechanism, have amused the masses since the end of the 1700s. By 1800, carousels were advertised as amusements as well as an activity that got the blood circulating. After the Civil War, a number of merry-go-round manufacturers started up businesses and popularized the carousel.
The Raw Materials of Carousel
The two primary materials for a carousel are metal and wood. The metal mechanism includes the electric/hydraulic motor, gears, bearings, and crankshafts. Horse hangers and platform suspension rods are metal with brass sleeves, and the center pole is steel. The wood parts of the carousel include the horses, which are carved from basswood, the oak platform, sweeps, rounding boards, panels, and mirror frames. The platform and various panels and gingerbread work were made of wood or plaster in the old days, and today they may be made of these same materials or may be cast in plastic or fiberglass. The tent-like top is made of canvas. Music is supplied by a band organ that is also electrically or mechanically powered and plays much like those of a player piano. Specialty manufacturers provide the organs.Source from:
Monday, November 27, 2017
The Manufacturing Process of Carousel Rides
1. When a carousel builder receives an order, he works with the customer to determine the size of the machine based on cost and maintenance considerations. Most carousels today may be built from scratch or from refurbished mechanisms. In either case, today's maker must be a metal fabricator with a shop to concoct the metal pieces. Traveling carousels can also be manufactured with little variation from those fixed in place except that the steel center pole is hinged so it will fold in half to be transported in a van. All the other pieces can be broken down by two men in about 3 hours and carried in a truck including a platform made in sections and the horses that have the metal hangers removed from them.
2. The carousel builder purchases a band organ for the "new" carousel from a specialty manufacturer. Today, the Stinson Organ Company of Ohio is the only manufacturer to still make custom and product line band organs; five or six manufacturers including Wurlitzer made band organs during the heyday of the American carousel, and many other organs were imported. Band organs are played by air pushed by a bellows through wooden pipes, stops, and valves. Because the wood parts are highly subject to temperature and humidity changes, the organs are constantly out of tune and require considerable maintenance. They make music by forcing air through perforated paper rolls, much like a player piano, and the rolls cycle continuously from one to another, thanks to a device called a tracker frame developed by Wurlitzer. Although there is no sound like a real carousel band organ, maintenance costs often force buyers of "new" carousels to use tapes or compact discs for their music.
3.The romance of the carousel rides with its animals, however, and the auction prices of up to $60,000 per horse for antique ponies have brought a new awareness to the importance of equipping a new carousel with the genuine article. Amateur carvers and woodworkers have also been attracted to the carving of carousel critters; and body blocks that include the body, head and neck, tail, and legs can be purchased in various sizes for carving.
4. Assuming the carousel builder is carving a wooden horse from scratch, he chooses a size and weight suitable to the overall design of the carousel and selects an appropriate artistic design. This may be based on a theme for the carousel or on the customer's favorite historic model. The outside of the carousel animal is called the "romance" side and is seen by onlookers. This display side is usually more ornately decorated than the inside. Many of the original carousel designers made full-scale sketches of their horses so that details were properly conceptualized and scaled and so that several carvers could work on parts of the same horse. Today, one-eighth scale models are sometimes made for the designer's models and the customer's approval.
5.Full-scale paper patterns are glued to pieces of basswood to cut the body, legs, and other parts. Basswood is used because it is hard and close-grained, and the grain must run the length of the part for strength. A jigsaw or coping saw is used to cut the parts, and the parts are glued together to form the carving block. In the old days, the "glue-up" was done by a skilled craftsman who was an expert at the types of glue, amounts, and pressures required to prepare the carving block.
6.Each carver has his own preferences for how to proceed with carving. Many start by using the paper patterns still glued to the animal to rough-cut the shapes, a process called boasting. Detailed carving follows, and this is usually done without reference to patterns but with a sense of the wood grain and the artistic creation that has been trapped in the wood. The completed carving block is sanded, and sometimes other small details are glued on. If the animal is for display, rather than for a working carousel, a base or stand suitable to the size and configuration of the beast is also made. A footrest is also made for each animal (unless it has stirrups or other substitutes), and these are carved and painted to match the animal. Preparation of a carousel animal up to the painting stage typically takes about 35 hours per animal.
7.The carved horse is stained, primed and painted, and varnished to suit the design of the carousel. Platforms are painted to complement the carving, but overhangs are sometimes brightly colored to highlight the details of both the overhangs and the animals. Traditionally, the animals are painted bright colors, and the paints are chosen for durability and safety as well as appearance. Removal of old paint may be one of the most time-consuming tasks in refurbishing old animals; some have as many as 30 coats of paint that have filled the finely carved details. Dappling, addition of gold or silver leaf, placement of horsehair tails, and burnishing of metallic leaf provide other touches of realism and elegance. Rhinestones and other jewels are often added to the romance side of the finished horse.
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tagada rides for sale
Beston tagada rides are hot sales among amusement and theme parks, carnivals, funfairs, fairgrounds, family entertainment centers. Tagada rides are what thrill-seekers look for, for the tagada rides only have rails for riders to hold on. When the tagada rides are activated, the round bowel of the tagada rides will spin around. And later on the human operator will make the tagada rides bounce along with the rhythm of the disco music. Please hold tight, or you will be thrown into the center of the tagada rides. Beston offers grand tagada rides with the capacity of accommodating 40 persons, 30 persons. Besides, we offer mini tagada rides for children with the capacity of 8 persons. In light of the popularity of the tagada rides as well as the great fun they provide, tagada rides are great additions to your profitable amusement rides businesses.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
The History of Roller Coasters
Roller Coaster History
In the 1600s in Russia, the forerunners of present-day roller coasters were huge blocks of ice that were fashioned into sleds, with straw or fur on the icy seat for passenger comfort. Sand was used to help slow down the sled at the end of the ride to keep it from crashing, a technique based on the principle of friction. Later, more elaborate wooden sleds were built with iron runners to increase the speed and intensity of the ride.
The first American coasters
America's amusement park history begins on Coney Island in 1875. Railway companies, in search of ways to keep passenger usage up on the weekends, set up parks here at the end of the rail lines and introduced weekend and summer activities. The first rides at these parks were carousels, but in 1884, the first gravity switchback train was introduced. This was the first true roller coaster in America.In 1912, the first underfriction roller coaster was introduced by John Miller. This design held the coaster train on the track and allowed for more speed, steeper hills, and less drag. The 1920s saw the building of some of the best roller coasters of all times. But the 1929 stock market crash, followed by the Great Depression and the Second World War, caused a decline in the parks.
A new era for roller coaster design
In 1955, the nation's first theme park opened: Disneyland. Not only did Disneyland usher in a new era for amusement parks, it also helped bring about some radical changes in roller coaster design. Up until this time, coasters were built out of wood, which limited the way loops could be handled. In 1959 Disney introduced the Matterhorn, the first tubular steel coaster. The exciting features we expect from today's coasters--loops, a corkscrew track, and stability--can be traced back to this first steel coaster. Click here for more information.The first successful inverted coaster was introduced in 1992, and now you can find passengers riding in coasters with their feet dangling freely below them (and occasionally above them) as they circumnavigate the track. In 1997, a coaster opened at Six Flags Magic Mountain whose design would have been considered impossible even a few years before. This scream machine is 415 feet tall and can reach a speed of 100 miles per hour. Technology, working with the laws of physics, continues to push what is possible in ride design.
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The Physics Behind Bumper Car Rides
Glossary Newton's third law of motion comes into play on the amusement park rides bumper cars. This law, the law of interaction, says that if one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. It's the law of action-reaction, and it helps to explain why you feel a jolt when you collide with another bumper car.
How do bumper cars work?
Bumper car rides are designed so that the cars can collide without much danger to the riders. Each car has a large rubber bumper all around it, which prolongs the impact and diffuses the force of the collision.
The bumper cars run on electricity, carried by a pole on the back of the car that leads up to a wire grid in the ride's ceiling. This grid carries the electricity that runs the car. Electrical energy carried to the cars from the grid is converted to kinetic energy, some of which is converted to heat. Click this page for more information:
What happens to the drivers?
When bumper cars collide, the drivers feel a change in their motion and become aware of their inertia. Though the cars themselves may stop or change direction, the drivers continue in the direction they were moving before the collision. This is why it's important to wear a seat belt while driving a real car, since otherwise you could suffer injury being thrown forward in a collision.
The masses of the drivers also affect the collisions. A difference in mass between two bumper car riders will mean that one rider experiences more change in motion than the other (or more of a jolt). The type of collision, velocity of the cars, and mass of the individual drivers all come into play in bumper car collisions.
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Friday, November 24, 2017
What Do You Know About Carousel Rides
Whenever you can only get one carnival ride for the event or party and you also want something that's a real crowd pleaser, you can't go wrong with carousel rides. The lights, mirrors, music and beautifully crafted horses and menagerie animals charm and delight old and young alike.
The very idea of the carousel originated by using a game played by Turkish and Arabian soldiers. They might ride in a circle tossing a bag loaded with perfume back and forth. The soldier who missed the ball could be drenched in scent and would get to be the object of ribbing by his mates till the scent wore off.
The French took within the concept and included it in a number of exhibitions on horseback. Among these was a competition to spear a ring that was hung from your tree or post while galloping along at full speed. As a way to practice just for this event, young knights used a machine provided with wooden horses on the rotating platform. The platform can be pulled around by way of a person or perhaps a live horse or mule. When it wasn't used by young knights in training, the carousel was really a method to obtain amusement for children and maidens fair. Click here to get know more about
Soon enough, the carousel was a popular attraction at county fairs. Eventually, enterprising entrepreneurs design steam power driven carousels. This meant carousels could possibly be larger and heavier since steam engines are stronger than humans, horses or perhaps mules. This opened the entrance to the creation of large, elaborate carousels equipped with horses, tigers, giraffes and other carved wooden animals that had been truly works of art. Click this page:
Right after the Civil War, carousels began to show up in the usa. The period from 1880 to 1930 was referred to as golden age of carousels. During this period there was about 50 % a dozen big carousel makers in the US. They employed master carvers to generate the stunning and whimsical animals who have made carousels this type of enduring attraction.
During the golden chronilogical age of carousels, there was a number of types of carousel which were distinct and unique from a another.
* The Coney Island style carousel had been a very fanciful and elaborate affair. Menagerie animals and spirited horses decked out in glamorous trappings offered fairgoers the ride of your life.
* The Philadelphia style carousel was more realistic. The animals and horses were simple, well carved and lifelike.
* The Land Fair style carousel is the most such as the carousels we notice today on offer for hire for events and parties. The animals are generally just horses, they are more simply created in a sort of primitive art style. They normally have a similar pose with legs positioned parallel to 1 another. This makes it an easy task to dismantle the ride and pack away the horses safely for transport.
When discussing classic carousels, there's some terminology you could enjoy knowing. As an example, carousel animals use a "romance side" and a plain side. The romance side is definitely the more decorated side that is certainly usually facing out. The lead horse on the carousel is the main horse. This is basically the most decorated and is always located on the outside row for top visibility.
Animals apart from horses are classified as menagerie animals. All animals can be found posed in numerous different positions. They are:
* Stander-this animal is standing with three or four feet touching the platform.
* Stargazer-this animal looks upwards towards stars.
* Prancer-this animal is standing on its to hind feet with its to front feet from the air.
* Jumper-this animal has all four feet raised off of the carousel platform.
Unfortunately, not most of the gorgeous hand carved carousels which were created through the golden age survive today. Collecting carousel animals became very popular throughout the 1980s and 1990s. During this period, many of these old carousels were dismantled because it was more lucrative on their owners to sell the carousel animals individually than to restore the full carousel. Today there are fewer than 200 complete classic carousels functioning.
Renting a classic carousel for your personal party your event can be quite a feat indeed! Even should this be not possible though, it is possible to still rent a beautiful carousel ride that may convey a sense of charm, nostalgia and fun to old and young alike. Keep this reputation of the carousel under consideration when choosing your party rides and attractions. your carousel knowledge will even help make the carousel of the choosing a real conversation piece.
The very idea of the carousel originated by using a game played by Turkish and Arabian soldiers. They might ride in a circle tossing a bag loaded with perfume back and forth. The soldier who missed the ball could be drenched in scent and would get to be the object of ribbing by his mates till the scent wore off.
The French took within the concept and included it in a number of exhibitions on horseback. Among these was a competition to spear a ring that was hung from your tree or post while galloping along at full speed. As a way to practice just for this event, young knights used a machine provided with wooden horses on the rotating platform. The platform can be pulled around by way of a person or perhaps a live horse or mule. When it wasn't used by young knights in training, the carousel was really a method to obtain amusement for children and maidens fair. Click here to get know more about

Soon enough, the carousel was a popular attraction at county fairs. Eventually, enterprising entrepreneurs design steam power driven carousels. This meant carousels could possibly be larger and heavier since steam engines are stronger than humans, horses or perhaps mules. This opened the entrance to the creation of large, elaborate carousels equipped with horses, tigers, giraffes and other carved wooden animals that had been truly works of art. Click this page:
Right after the Civil War, carousels began to show up in the usa. The period from 1880 to 1930 was referred to as golden age of carousels. During this period there was about 50 % a dozen big carousel makers in the US. They employed master carvers to generate the stunning and whimsical animals who have made carousels this type of enduring attraction.
During the golden chronilogical age of carousels, there was a number of types of carousel which were distinct and unique from a another.
* The Coney Island style carousel had been a very fanciful and elaborate affair. Menagerie animals and spirited horses decked out in glamorous trappings offered fairgoers the ride of your life.
* The Philadelphia style carousel was more realistic. The animals and horses were simple, well carved and lifelike.
* The Land Fair style carousel is the most such as the carousels we notice today on offer for hire for events and parties. The animals are generally just horses, they are more simply created in a sort of primitive art style. They normally have a similar pose with legs positioned parallel to 1 another. This makes it an easy task to dismantle the ride and pack away the horses safely for transport.
When discussing classic carousels, there's some terminology you could enjoy knowing. As an example, carousel animals use a "romance side" and a plain side. The romance side is definitely the more decorated side that is certainly usually facing out. The lead horse on the carousel is the main horse. This is basically the most decorated and is always located on the outside row for top visibility.
Animals apart from horses are classified as menagerie animals. All animals can be found posed in numerous different positions. They are:
* Stander-this animal is standing with three or four feet touching the platform.
* Stargazer-this animal looks upwards towards stars.
* Prancer-this animal is standing on its to hind feet with its to front feet from the air.
* Jumper-this animal has all four feet raised off of the carousel platform.
Unfortunately, not most of the gorgeous hand carved carousels which were created through the golden age survive today. Collecting carousel animals became very popular throughout the 1980s and 1990s. During this period, many of these old carousels were dismantled because it was more lucrative on their owners to sell the carousel animals individually than to restore the full carousel. Today there are fewer than 200 complete classic carousels functioning.
Renting a classic carousel for your personal party your event can be quite a feat indeed! Even should this be not possible though, it is possible to still rent a beautiful carousel ride that may convey a sense of charm, nostalgia and fun to old and young alike. Keep this reputation of the carousel under consideration when choosing your party rides and attractions. your carousel knowledge will even help make the carousel of the choosing a real conversation piece.
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Fun and Important Info about Carousels You Have To Know
A carousel is really a merry-go-round purchased at amusement parks, shopping malls, county fairs as well as other public venues of entertain...

If you run an amusement park and desire to make certain that you will be taking advantage of logistics, it pays to communicate with contrac...
Whether it's a big amusement park or even a small travelling fair , you are bound to find a mini Ferris wheel there. This is because ki...
A carousel is really a merry-go-round purchased at amusement parks, shopping malls, county fairs as well as other public venues of entertain...